The month of April is Donors' Choice Month for many communities, and the Boissevain-Morton Donors' Choice committee will be popping their pamphlets in the mail this week!

Board member, Barry Lamb says they try to get the word out as best they can to share the invite for Donors' Choice. 

"We have 25 agency groups that are on the recipient list and at least half of those are local organizations where the money stays right within the municipality," explains Lamb. "And for the other half the groups, the money goes to provincial agencies, to groups like the Alzheimer's Society, the Cancer Society, Mood Disorders Association and organizations like that."

Lamb says they're hoping to mail out the bright yellow sheets this week, but folks have the month of April to look over the list and decide if they would like to support the groups on the list, and if so which ones.  Donors simply have to check off the organizations they would like to support, state the size of their donation, and then write one cheque for the entire amount.  Individual tax-deductible receipts will be mailed out.  

Cheques can be dropped off at the Boissevain-Morton Library, or they can be mailed to:

Donors' Choice Boissevain-Morton, BOX 279, Boissevain, Manitoba ROK OEO.

On average the Boissevain-Morton Donors' Choice brings in approximately $68,000 each year.

Please listen to more with Barry Lamb below!