It was a full house at the Shamrock Centre on Saturday night!  The stands were full and so were the cheers when one of the cowboys could stay on their ride for the full 8 seconds!

Cody Fitzpatrick from Glen Ewen, SK, was the last night's winner in the bull riding event, this being his 3rd year of achieving top rider in Killarney!  And yes, Cody did hold on for the full 8 seconds!

The bulls won the Cowboy Calcutta sponsored by Killarney's Kiwi Welding!

50/50 sales of over $4000 brought over $2000 to Boissevain's Boots 'n Bits 4-H Club.

Photos below from the stands - yup I used my iphone but caught some fun shots of the cowboys finding their rhythm but tasting the dirt!