The Southwest Business & Entrepreneur Expo committee is preparing for their 2024 event, where businesses wanting to grow and new entrepreneurs can come together to learn from each other, share ideas, network, and maybe even win some cash awards.

The February 7th event will take place at the Deloraine-Winchester Community Hall and will feature keynote speakers, speaker sessions, breakout sessions, the annual Business Pitch event, and business tradeshow.

Economic Development Officer for Deloraine-Winchester, Glenn Schellenberg, says they're very pleased to be hosting the 2024 Business Expo.

Schellenberg says the annual business expo stemmed from the collaboration between the EDO's from throughout the Westman Region, where they come together to share ideas on a regular basis throughout the year, to share challenges and solutions with each other while sitting at the round table.

"The round table is where we've got the communities in the region that are all involved in that and this is just one of the ways that we keep that communication and that cooperation open," he explains.

"This where if somebody is struggling with a procedure or some sort of a social or business issue within our communities, we can simply just ask, 'Has anybody seen this? Has anybody been up against this? Has anybody got a solution to this?'"

"And we can draw from each other in that way," adds Schellenberg, "and that's incredibly important.  You know, when you're this far away from the government center, when you're this far away from Broadway, you really need to have those kinds of supports and resources."

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