What a wonderful Canada Day in Manitoba.  Over 3400  Manitobans gathered at the Manitoba Legislative Assembly, outfitted in red and white T-shirts to create a massive Canadian flag.

Here in South West Manitoba. after all the rain and moisture issues, the weather finally cooperated, and Canada Day was a welcome respite from the flood and poor farming conditions this spring.


In Boissevain, spectacular weather graced the Canada Day celebrations as a great number of people turned out for the day's celebrations.  Canada Day began at the Goodon  Wildlife Museum where the first of the season Farmers Market was set up.


The Museum provided a perfect setting for lunch with many enjoying hotdogs. Talented musicians entertained those attending.  Historical displays were set up, complete  with a bannock making demostration.


Over 60 enteries paraded the streets of the community for the Lions Parade, with many Boissevain residents and visitors lining the streets to encourage and salute the participants.


The Boissevain Fair Grounds the gathering place following the parade.  The Community Supper and Childrens Carnival were big hits, with a program following at the Arena complete with dancers, a parade of flags, speeches from dignitaries and musical entertainment. The show was certainly was enjoyed by the crowd.


The highlight of the day were the evening fireworks.  The sky over Boissevain was lit up in Canada Day splendor. What a fine way to celebrate Canada's Birthday












