An amazing $130,000 was raised through 260 lemonade stands last summer for CancerCare Manitoba - this from Manitobans opening their hearts and homes to host their own community lemonade stands for the Lemonade Stands for Hope Campaign.

CancerCare Manitoba is calling out for Manitobans to once again join them in this initiative!

“We were thrilled with how many Manitobans joined in the Lemonade Stands for Hope campaign last summer,” said Manager of Community Events and Development, Sherelle Kwan. “It was amazing to hear the stories behind the stands, particularly how many kids wanted to host stands for loved ones and friends. We are hoping to see the same wave of lemonade stands across the province once again.”

"Lemonade Stands for Hope is the perfect opportunity for kids, teens, and anyone young at heart to create hope and raise important funds for CancerCare Manitoba. Families, friends, businesses, community teams, leagues or groups can all host a lemonade stand!"

When asked what this year's goal is, Kwan says she'd be blown away if they could reach that $130,000 again, but then surpass it!

"If we had more stands and hit $200,000, I think that would be pretty sweet to say that lemonade stands across this province were able to raise $200,000! 

Kwan says it's difficult to put a dollar amount for an official goal because they have stands that take place on the Lemonade Stand for Hope dates of July 19-21 and then there are those folks who host their lemonade stand multiple times during the entire summer.  Some stands were set up alongside a garage sale, or family gathering.  Some included baked goods or crafts or other additional items that complemented the sweet n' sour favorite drink of summer.

 "Our top earning stand last year raised over $6,000 and they hosted it multiple times throughout the summer, so there's different ways we can get to that goal."

Contact Cancer Care Foundation for your FREE Kit:

  1. Register your stand online at
  2. Pick up your free starter kit from the Foundation at 825 Sherbrook Street (Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.)
  3. Host your Lemonade Stand for Hope anytime over the weekend of July 19-21, or anytime this summer.

Manitobans are encouraged to rally their community to support their lemonade stand while they raise funds for crucial research, patient care, and support services at CancerCare Manitoba. All funds raised from Lemonade Stands for Hope stay in Manitoba and help cancer patients and their families.

Please listen to more with Sherelle Kwan below AND listen to the end as she shares which Westman community was the highest earning lemonade stand that reached the $6,000 in sales!