Tom Jackson's 'Stories, Songs and & Santa Causes' is coming to Brandon this weekend, in support of the Counselling Centre as their annual fundraiser!

Jackson is most well-known for the Huron Carole, performed throughout the country each Christmas season. This year's show is to bring joy and laughter through story-telling and song!  However, there will be a difference from previous performances as this show will focus on making you laugh!

"The by-product of what we've done in the past has always had these elements in it, but it wasn't necessarily our focus," shares Jackson. "Joy, compassion, empathy, all of those have been part of our DNA on our shows.  This show is being driven by that.  This show is being driven by the responsibility that we have, that we take on happily, to make you happy, to make you healthy.  Healthy is happy; happy is healthy!" he adds.

"Laughter is probably the best tool that the Creator gave us for healing and if we can spread that kind of joy, then we're going to make you healthy and that will make you rfamily healthy, your children will witness kindness, the community will be happier when they see it, maybe the nation will be happier when they see it."

Tom says, if we take joy, compassion, empathy and love, and change those words in verbs, then we could change the world.  "If you tell someone you love them, they feel good and you feel good.  When your listeners are finished today ... go phone somebody and tell them that you love them, and ask them to do the same. And, if you have 5,000 listeners, 5 minutes after we disengage, the world will have changed.  Because if they call somebody, 5000 people will call 5000 people will call 5000 people, we just changed the world!"

Please listen to more of the interview with Tom Jackson and CJRB's Betty Sawatzky below.

Tom Jackson's 'Stories, Songs and & Santa Causes' takes place:

DATE: Sunday, December 4th at 7:30 pm

LOCATION:  Bethel Christian Assembly, 440 Richmond Avenue, Brandon

Tickets $30 available from The Counselling Centre and Hairistocracy

For info call: 204-726-8706

Please remember to bring a non-perishable food item to support Brandon University's Student Food Bank!