Corn harvest is moving along quickly in southern Manitoba.

"It's coming along very well. Southern areas of the province are quite far with harvest and we're getting into full swing in the Carman-and-north area. Some areas around Portage are well along as well," says Theresa Bergsma of the Manitoba Corn Growers Association.

"Yields are all over the map. The lower areas are good and quite dry. The areas around Elm Creek and north of Carman seem to be a little wetter," she says.

"Yields are ranging from 110 to 160, but averages will be a bit lower because of the drowned out areas."

Many growers found Goss's Wilt in their fields for the first time this year. Last year, yields were reduced by 30 to 50 bushels per acre on fields where Goss's was discovered in the Roland area. Bergsma says it seems the disease has not had as much of an impact on yield this year. "It definitely will reduce yield...but it seems Goss's Wilt hit most fields later this year and so it helped dry down, but didn't cut yields as much as last year."

~ Wednesday, October 20, 2010 ~