The Mini Mustang Corral Daycare in Minto is a busy place, and the daycare board is in the process of getting a playground constructed. 

The Minto Mini Mustang Corral Daycare is a non-profit, registered charitable organization focused on delivering daycare and nursery school services to the Minto community. 

Dana Maxwell is a board member, and she says they have 50 children, between infant aged and school aged, making use of the daycare and nursery school each day. The board also saw a need to expand services that will benefit area children. 

“Our spots are always full and now we’ve purchased the two lots beside the daycare and we have the municipality’s blessing to develop a publicly accessible playground. Once construction is completed, we’ll be donating it back to the municipality because it can’t be a publicly accessible playground if it’s owned by the daycare," said Maxwell. 


“The daycare board has set a budget of $300,000 and the daycare already has funds to go towards that. We’ve also applied to the Lloyd and Elsie Campbell trust fund which has also submitted a substantial gift towards this project. Then we’re looking to fund raise for the remainder of the project which is roughly one-third.” 

Dana Maxwell says Minto is a vibrant community with lots of families and young children and the daycare board is doing what it can to make Minto an appealing community to move into. 

“Things like the playground and things like our wonderful daycare facility to make it where people want to make it their home. That makes it better for the community in the long run.”