The Glenboro Bible Chapel is hosting their annual Country Christmas Banquet on Saturday, November 25th, with a special presentation and fundraising efforts to support Uturn Ministries Westman.

Westman Youth for Christ facilitates the Uturn program, a 2-year transitional housing program for young people ages 18-29 who are currently without a home or are at risk of facing homelessness.

"We've had this kind of event for 25 years," shares Pastor Bob Coutts, "and all the funds that we raise go to support mission organizations, and so this year we are supporting Uturn Ministries.  So, some people from Uturn will come and they'll be sharing in the evening. It's very good to have them share their ministry so people are more aware.  Some people obviously will be quite familiar with the mission, but then there are those who are not as familiar with Uturn.  So, it's a real education piece for us and we're excited to be hearing from them."

Pastor Bob says the Saturday evening event will include music, a presentation by Uturn Ministries, a full supper and then a live auction.

All proceeds raised from the free will offering supper and live auction will go to Uturn this year. Last year they raised approximately $8,000 from their community.  "This was quite significant from a small community," shares Pastor Bob.

The Glenboro Bible Chapel rotates through four ministries to support through their Christmas Banquet, including Adult and Teen Challenge (Winnipeg and Brandon), Union Gospel Mission in Winnipeg, and the Haiti Friendship Centre.

"We're very happy to be able to support them and to remind them that there are folks who care," adds Pastor Bob. "We're inviting everyone to come and join us. The more who can come and be apprised of what these folks are doing in communities around, I think it's going to be very encouraging for all of us."

The event will be held at the CE Building in Glenboro on Saturday, November 26. For more information on the Banquet and if you would like to donate an item to their live auction, please call Pastor Bob Coutts at 519-717-3333.

AND do listen to more with Pastor Bob below!

For more on the Glenboro Bible Chapel visit their Facebook page HERE!

Visit the Westman YFC website and for the Uturn program specifically, click HERE!

Westman – We see the hope and potential in every young person (

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