This summer safety features have been installed at the corner of Trans-Canada Highway and Highway 5 at Carberry, after the two highway accidents that occurred fairly close to each other earlier this summer. 

A passenger bus carrying Dauphin-area seniors collided with a semi-truck on June 15th and claimed the lives of 17 people.  Just over 6 weeks later, on July 31st a second crash occurred at the same intersection resulting in 3 people being transported to hospital.

Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, Doyle Piwniuk, says they've added the safety features of flashing lights and rumble strips on Hwy 5, much like what Saskatchewan has at their major intersections along the Trans-Canada Highway.  "This on Hwy 5 is to indicate that there is an important intersection ahead and to stop at the stop sign."

"We're still doing a study that we've commissioned, and that's still ongoing," adds Piwniuk. "The study is still under commission to look at that intersection to see what we need to do. We're already doing the traffic counts, so we'll continue doing that in that study with professional outside resources to make sure that we look at it very closely and come up with a solution."

As of early this week the Province was still waiting for the RCMP report on this summer's highway accidents at the Carberry corner.