The Killarney Shamrock Centre is vying for top score in the Kraft Hockeyville competition 2024!

The Grand Prize win is for that community to host an NHL game and score a cash prize of $250,000 to put towards rink upgrades.  Three runner-up winners will receive $25,000 towards arena upgrades.

General Manager of the Shamrock Centre, Liana Smith, says this would be a fantastic win for Killarney!

"Can you imagine us having an NHL game here in little old Killarney!? It would be fabulous!"

The competition is designed to find which Canadian hockey community stands above all the others. 'The Kraft Hockeyville 2024 competition aims to rally people together and help protect the future of hockey in Canada, because communities build hockey and hockey builds communities,' states their website.

 But first, community rinks must be nominated by a resident of that community.  To nominate, a Killarney area resident must share what it is about the Killarney Shamrock Centre that they love, sharing their story and their connection to the arena.  Folks can submit a written story or a video and photos.  

Nomination deadline is February 18th midnight (11:59 pm ET). Judging starts on February 19th!

"The Shamrock Centre could certainly use some upgrades," shares Smith. "Everyone still thinks of the Shamrock Centre as a new facility but we're actually in our 15th year of operation.  So, we have done a few upgrades over the years but there's always things that can be improved.  We need repairs to our roof. We need some fitness equipment. We need a new set of nets. There's always something!"

"We have a gem of a building here in this community, so I would encourage everybody to go online to Hockeyville 2024 and nominate us!"

To nominate and support the Killarney Shamrock Centre click HERE!

To find out more about Hockeyville 2024 and nominate your community click HERE!