Enjoying the outdoors is what the Westman Naturalists love to do.  However, they also love to learn about nature through personal or zoom presentations. 

Members have learned all about the life and habits of badgers, moose, elk, as well as specific locations, like Quetico Provincial Park in northwestern Ontario. 

There are endless opportunities to learn from each other through presentation from their own members as well as from guest speakers. 

Group President, Alex Koiter, says their presentations vary from wildlife animals to birds to plants. 

“We had a really neat presentation in early April about whether birds can smell, and it was a fascinating exploration about how birds use smell as a form of communication.  When most people think of birds, they think of something much more visual and the sounds they make. Most people don’t think about their olfactory capabilities,” he explains. “It was just a really neat!” 

"Through zoom we can talk with people from literally all over the world,” shares Koiter, “and so in January we're going to have someone talk to us about poison dart frogs in South America." 

During the warmer months the group spends more time outdoors, visiting their favorite stops such as Waggle Springs east of Brandon, Lauder Sand Hills south of Brandon, Riding Mountain National Park north of Brandon, and the Riverbank Discovery Centre, all for walking tours to see the sights, hear the sounds and learn more about the nature that surrounds us. 

On colder days the Westman Naturalists meet at Brandon University’s Faculty of Science space for their indoor meetings. 

For outdoor get togethers participants meet either at the location of choice, or at a specific location for carpooling. 

Membership is open to anyone and everyone!  There are no special requirements, except you must enjoy the outdoors and everything that it brings with it! 

For more information, visit the Westman Naturalists’ website