Esme Ginter was born December 23, 2009


A young girl from Southern Manitoba will celebrate her first birthday next week, thanks to Canadian Blood Services.

On December 23, 2009 Esme Ginter was born 14 weeks premature. Her mother Joanna was diagnosed with HELLP syndrome, a life threatening obstetric complication, forcing an emergency C-section.
Esme came into this world weighing less than two pounds and was 12.5 inches long. Ginter says her daughter looked like a very mini baby. Her skin was somewhat see-through, she was covered in hair and she was missing nipples.

Ginter says in her first ten weeks, Esme needed eight blood transfusions. An infant her size has about 80 millilitres of blood in their body and each transfusion was the equivalent of about one-eighth of her total blood volume. Ginter says it was amazing to see the difference in her little girl before and after each blood transfusion. Before the transfusion she would be struggling, off colour and needing a lot of support from her ventilator. After the transfusion, Ginter says she would be restful, breath easier and need less support. Ginter notes it was like watching a miracle.
Esme was in the hospital a total of 15 weeks and today both mother and daughter are doing great. Esme is healthy and meeting all her developmental milestones. Ginter notes that is only possible because of the Manitobans who gave blood. Ginter says she feels like shouting to the world, "please go, please donate." She notes you never know when it will be one of your own that will need blood.

An extra holiday season blood donor clinic will be held December 29th at Altona Rhineland Pioneer Centre from 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m., and 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. To book your appointment call 1-888-2-DONATE. Walk-ins are also welcome. Another extra holiday season blood donor clinic will be held December 30th at Winkler MB church from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m., and 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Reporter Shannon Dueck spoke with Ginter about her story:



Today Esme is healthy and doing well