Years ago, local residents of Souris developed a community garden and a tree nursery on what is now 166 Fifth Ave West, known affectionately by locals as Frog Hollow.

That community garden has been revived by a passionate group of gardeners growing over the past year from offering 3 raised garden beds to 13 raised beds (5 being wheelchair accessible), an accessible path, a memorial bench, and 2000 square feet of inground gardening space!

"The idea for a community garden was started in March 2023 after a group of like-minded community members got together to create a space where members could garden, be outside, have access to fresh food due to rising food costs, meet other community members, and be a space for learning and mentorship," shares Amy Lees, Vice Chair of Souris Glenwood Community Garden. "And once we got together some amazing things started to happen!"

"It's a beautiful place down at Frog Hollow down in Souris and right by the creek," says Lees. "It's just so peaceful with all the mature trees. It's just a nice space to hang out in."

This committee has been as busy as bees applying for grants, building up the site, and sharing fresh veggies with their community neighbors.  " Last year, we donated fresh produce to members of the community," says Lees. "We had a table set up by the Souris Hotel and encouraged people to take a variety of fresh vegetables like tomatoes, beans, beets, cucumber, peas, peppers and more."

Lees notes they're looking forward to the addition of an 8 ft high chain link fence to help keep out the critters and deer population. The fundraising for that began last weekend with the over $400 raised during the Souris Spring Fling where they hosted chicken bingo, a plant sale and tours at the garden.

"We are grateful for all the community support that has assisted in the successful creation of the community garden. Pembina Coop provided us with a $500 donation to get started last year. We received a grant from Souris Glenwood Foundation for $4500 to create an accessible pathway and memorial bench," explains Lees. "We also received a grant of $4500 from Prairie Mountain Health to build 10 raised beds and for signage at the garden."

"Souris School teacher Phil Dyck and his woodworking class built the raised beds for us. Local people Dean Sherritt, Jim Ludlam, Barry McCulloch, Joe Goodwill, Detleff Eissner, Cheryl Tanguay, Kris Pearce and our committee members have helped with many different things that has contributed to the success of the community garden."

 "So, it's exciting to have the whole community involved!"

"Anyone can participate in the community garden," adds Lees. "We have a range of people involved at the garden from children, beginner and seasoned gardeners, and people of all ages. If people are interested in volunteering or have items they would like to donate to the garden, please contact a committee member. People can participate in the garden by signing up for a space in the community plots." 

The grand opening of the Souris Glenwood Community Garden will be held on Friday, May 24 at 2pm at the community garden (166 Fifth Ave W). All are welcome to attend! 

If people are interested in gardening, either in a personal or community plot, make sure to complete the gardener intake survey found HERE!

Please listen to more with Amy Lees below!