Kinsmen, Kinette, and Kin clubs across Canada work to better their communities, through donation and volunteering in support of local community events and projects.

Neepawa member, Amanda Naughton-Gale, was recently elected as Vice President of Kin Canada at the recent National convention held in it's founding city, Hamilton, Ontario.

"I'm super excited!  That's the next level in the my 'kin-career'," she shares.  "We're looking for leadership opportunities and as Canada's only service organization, the impact that we have in communities is amazing! Ensuring that that continues on so that service organizations continue to evolve and to continue to help communities support is really why I decided to step up into that position."

Stepping into a national role comes from recognizing the impact Kin Canada has in community building.  Founded in 1920, Kin Canada has over 5,000 members belonging to over 400 Kinsmen, Kinette and Kin Clubs across Canada.

"We just celebrated that we gave over $1.8 billion to Canadians across the country," notes Naughton-Gale.  "That's huge!  The impact that these organizations have in the Canadian economy is massive and if we don't continue that, what does that mean?  It means no parks, it means no playgrounds, it means our recreation facilities don't get upgraded, because those are the people and those are the clubs that are doing that kind of work. And so if you want to see things happening in your community you should look at volunteering and becoming a part of this service organization."

Due to Covid Kin Canada members were unable to meet for their national convention at the 100th anniversary celebration, but being able to meet again at the end of August was long overdue.  "Unfortunately, 2020 came and everything shut down, so it was really fantastic to actually see and connect with all of our family of Kin from right across the country," she adds.

Amanda Naughton-Gale will serve as VP for the next year leading up to the 1-year President's term (as the 104th President of Kin Canada), and then will assume the position of Past National President.

Visit for more information.

Listen to more of the interview with new VP for Kin Canada, Amanda Naughton-Gale and CJRB's Barry Lamb: