Hundreds of Manitobans hosted lemonade stands this summer in support of the CancerCare Manitoba Foundation.

Kids, families, daycares, businesses, and community groups all hosted Lemonade Stands for Hope on front lawns, street corners, and at local parks and businesses across the province. Over 100 stands were held the weekend of July 14-16 with the remaining stands happening throughout the summer.

A photo album of many of the stands can be found here.

“We’re encouraged by the many young people who made a difference by hosting a Lemonade Stand for Hope this summer,” said Sherelle Kwan, Community Events Manager at CancerCare Manitoba Foundation. "It was great! We thought 'wouldn't it be great to have like 100 stands across the province?' and we ended up with over 260 stands, all the way from Killarney up to Swan River!"

"We've been touched and inspired by how many people resonated with this opportunity to do something so simple, just host a lemonade stand," she adds.

There are still a few more lemonade stands pouring glasses and collecting donations throughout the months of September and October but thus far the stands have raised well over $102,000. "When it hit that $100,000 mark we were just blown away!"

All funds raised from Lemonade Stands for Hope stay in Manitoba to support crucial research, patient care, and support services at CancerCare Manitoba.

"I think the thing that has touched so many of us here at the Foundation is just hearing everyone who is hosting a stand, who they're doing it for," shares Kwan. "Cancer touches all of us and it was really special to see families come together, and neighbors come together, perfect strangers... I think it brought us all together maybe in a way none of us thought it might."

“My mom was diagnosed with cancer and lost her battle before my two daughters were born and their best friend’s mom was recently diagnosed,” said Chelsea Thompson, the first person to register a lemonade stand this year. “I wanted to teach the girls about giving back so together the three of them hosted a lemonade stand and raised over $1000!”

Kwan says many got creative with their lemonade stands, partnering a cool glass of lemonade with fresh baking or crafts. "It was really inspiring just to see how creative people got, and it was just really, really special to hear about all the communities that were coming together across the province."

"Manitoba is a special place but when you see the heart behind some of these events, it really does resonate why we're Friendly Manitoba."

Please listen to more with Sherrelle Kwan below!

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