The 47th Annual Manitoba Ag Days has launched, celebrating all things produced on the Prairies at Manitoba’s largest indoor farm exhibition and showcasing technology, equipment, expertise and advancements in agriculture, Premier Wab Kinew and Agriculture Minister Ron Kostyshyn announced on Tuesday.

Media Release - Province of Manitoba

“Agricultural producers across Manitoba are the backbone of our province, not only in feeding Manitobans and people from around the world but in growing our economy,” said Kinew. “The agricultural sector in Manitoba continues to invest in science, innovation, resilience and sustainability, and our government values the hard work being done to build up Manitoba as we navigate challenges with climate change and market values.”

Ag Days brings together the agriculture community to learn, network and create excitement and optimism for the upcoming growing season, added the premier, with speakers to interest everyone and an innovation showcase highlighting the newest products and services, proving that Manitoba agriculture is ready for what is next.

“Manitoba farmers work incredibly hard to feed our province and are some of the most resilient contributors to our provincial economy,” said Kostyshyn. “Agriculture in Manitoba is growing each year and it is my goal to support this sector so that Manitoba will be a leader in agricultural innovation, research and job creation. A strong agricultural sector means a strong Manitoba.”

In response to the hardships producers have faced in recent years, the Manitoba government implemented a temporary rent reduction increase for agricultural Crown land forage leases to 55 per cent for the 2024 growing season. The minister added the Manitoba Agriculture Services Corporation will be bringing further assistance and relief to Manitoba producers with an upcoming announcement.

“As a longtime resident of Brandon, I am once again excited to see the Ag Days Expo underway,” said Sport, Culture, Heritage and Tourism Minister Glen Simard. “While it’s true that Ag Days brings an important economic boost to Brandon, it’s also an important event that brings agricultural producers and exhibitors together to create a sense of community that you won’t see anywhere else.”

Manitoba Ag Days 2024 runs from Jan. 16 to 18 at the Keystone Centre.

For more information on Manitoba Ag Days visit