Manitoba cattle producers will converge in Brandon this coming week for what has been billed as "The Prime Beef Event of the Year."

For the first time, the Manitoba Cattle Producers Association is holding its annual general meeting in conjunction with the Manitoba Livestock Expo.

"It gives producers the chance to educate themselves about current things happening on the landscape and around the world as far as trade is concerned. The AGM also gives producers the opportunity to vote on resolutions to direct the current board on where we need to be going," says president Jay Fox.

"There are going to be some special discussions on things that have caused some controversy throughout the industry here in Manitoba, especially brand inspection. Whether you're for or against brand inspection, its important producers get out and direct our board," he says.

Speakers on the agenda include Canadian trade negotiator Steve Verheul, Steve Kay of Cattle Buyers Weekly and consumer trend expert Marion Chan.

The banquet on Friday night will include the Grant Moffat Memorial Breeds Auction.

The MLE will get underway on Thursday with the MCPA AGM taking place on Friday and Saturday.

You can find a complete agenda on the MCPA website .

~ Saturday, October 30, 2010 ~