Jason Gobeil, liaison for the provincial government and head of the Regional Cabinet office in Brandon has been reaching out to the residents and municipal leaders throughout the Westman Region.

Earlier this month Gobeil met with members of the Western Caucus, community leaders from 20 municipalities within the Westman Region who collaborate, network and support each other.

As a representative for the Manitoba government, Gobeil says it's important that he puts himself in the places where he can listen to the thoughts, challenges and successes of the communities in the southwest corner of the province.

"That's truly one of the skills that I bring to the table. to make sure that we listen with intent. To make sure that we're not missing the message and we're further that message and correspondence up to government," he explains.

"I hope to be a branch an arm of communication in moving forward," he adds.

Gobeil says the current government wants to truly listen to Manitobans and their priorities, "making sure the budget of 2024 leads to Manitoba families."

One in-person public forum is already confirmed for Brandon, on January 31st at the Riverbank Discovery Centre at 6 PM.

Pre-registration is preferred.

Please register HERE!

Please listen to more with Jason Gobeil below!