Residents of the Turtle Mountain area have been able to tap into more resources, more outings, and more information on the services provided by Lutz Mattfeld, the Resource Coordinator for Seniors' Services of the Turtle Mountain area.

Mattfeld lives in Killarney and works out of the Boissevain office, located at Jubilee Manor.  He stepped into his role as Resource Coordinator in October of 2022 and has embraced his role as a provider of valuable information on how to get things done!

For example, if you need help with renewing your passport, Mattfeld can help you.  If you live by yourself and are looking for safe and wellness information, he can provide those resources.  If you would like to be on the list for Meals on Wheels, call Lutz.  If you have recently had surgery and require medical equipment (such as walker) and a daily meal delivered to your home, Mattfeld is your first call.

Over the past 4 months Lutz Mattfeld has been able to offer numerous activities to local seniors, including day-dasher trips to Brandon and other communities in the region.

"We went to the International Peace Garden, and we had a great time there," he explains. "We went in July last year and everything was perfect!  Even the weather was absolutely great!  In September we went to the car museum in Treherne, which was very nice as well!"

Those who attended the Boissevain Christmas Community Supper will remember the entertainment by Killarney country singer, Lyle Baldwin, followed by the incredible meal.

"Our most successful event was our community Christmas Dinner in December, and it was very well attended! We all enjoyed ourselves with each other and with all our volunteers, which was really great because we do have a great volunteer community here," he adds.  "The community at large is very good at supporting our cause."

"All these events gave me a good chance to meet more people and get to know them a little better," he shares.

Mattfeld is looking forward to meeting more residents and organizations to build partnerships and network.  And he's always on the lookout for new ideas to present to residents.  "If you have any questions or any ideas of activities you might like to see coming, or some trips you might like to take, or you need some help with anything, just give me a call."

In some ways Lutz Mattfeld is a community resource help, not just for the senior population.

"It could be, yes 'community' could be included in my job description," he says. "But our emphasis lies with the support of older people and seniors as was chosen this way. It's just really one of those things. However, if you don't know where to turn, give me a call and we can definitely work things out."

For more information on community resources and helps, please contact Lutz Mattfeld:

Office phone: 204-534-6816
