Over 85 percent of homes with basements receive some form of water damage in their lifetime.

That's according to Jennifer Neufeld, Team Leader with BSI Insurance who says between a sump pump and back water valve, homeowners can prevent a lot of water from getting into the house.

Neufeld shared a few ways to help protect your home during a heavy rainfall.

"If you have a battery powered sump pump, that way in the event of a power outage which happens during some extreme rainfalls your home can still be protected. If you have a battery back up generator, a lot of companies actually offer discounts on sewer back up coverage."

Neufeld noted any new home that is being built has to have a back water valve installed into that line to help prevent sewer from backing up into the house.

Meanwhile, she recommended a few ways to help drain water away from your home.

"Regularly clean your eavestrough and downspouts," stated Neufeld. "If these are clogged the water can just pour over and then seep into your basement.  Make sure you window wells are drained properly, prevent water from collecting by your home by extending your downspouts by about 6 feet from your home and naturally just landscape your yard so it slants away from your home."

Neufeld said insurance for sewer back up is not included in a basic home owners policy; however, you can easily add on up to $15,000 in coverage.

She suggested anyone with questions about insurance speak with their provider about any water damage they are experiencing.