The Head of Council for Boissevain-Morton says 2021 was another challenging year but council managed to get a lot accomplished over the past 12 months.

Judy Swanson called is rocky and tough year but she commended her council for staying focus and busy.

“Boissevain-Morton has continued to move forward and I’m extremely pleased with this community because everyone comes together and works hard.”

“Cherry Creek Place our assisted living facility is a perfect example and it opened in 2021.”

Throughout the year council worked on a development plan, roads and infrastructure has an infusion of $1.5 million. “We spent over $300,000 on urban roads and more than $600,000 was put into rural roads. You keep on plugging and you keep on doing” said Judy Swanson.

On the construction side Swanson says the assisted living project was the biggest project.

“We had some starts and there was more in the rural area than in town. There was a lot of work with people fixing up houses with decks and sun rooms so we had a lot of permits and overall it was actually a good year in 2021.”

On the financial front Judy Swanson says Boissevain-Morton got through the past year in pretty good shape.


“We weathered it pretty well. We had help from the province and we certainly took covid into account. We had hoped it would be done but didn’t expect it to be done. For us with covid its difficult but you have to maintain things to keep the community going.”