To replace or repair was a dilemma facing the Rural Municipality of Souris-Glenwood when it came to four municipal bridges that were no longer deemed safe to handle the weight loads of transport trucks and trailers.

The original quote was to replace all four, but sourcing out other companies and quotes proved fruitful as they found a company that could repair the bridges at a much more reasonable cost.

Mayor Duane Davison says they're starting with the bridge just west of Souris on PR # 124 as top priority, hopefully starting in early July. "This is the one deemed most important and so we're hoping to get it fixed up before harvest."

This first bridge is an access bridge on the south side of the highway and it's also a heavy load corridor on the west side of Souris to the other side of the creek.  It is also a neighboring farmer's main access into his yard in inclement weather.

Davison adds the fact that they're able to repair the bridges rather than swallow the cost of replacement is the upside to this construction project.

"We had a different firm come and look at them and they said they can repair them and bring them back to life and get them back up to the weight requirements that we need.  We got different opinions and so rather than have them all replaced they can be brought back up to spec, at a significant cost but compared to replacement this is way more palatable."

"We'll do this first one and then the second one on the north side of the highway west of Souris. "And then we'll see going forward if we are going to proceed with the other two or not, we're not sure yet."