The third annual kids' business fair is coming to the Riverbank Discovery Center in Brandon in mid-July! This, to give young people up to the age of 15 years old, the hands-on experience of showcasing product, marketing and closing a sale in a trade-show setting!

"Last summer we had the opportunity to host our 2nd Annual Children's Business Fair," shares Community Development Analyst for Westman Community Futures, Wendy Petersen. "We had children with businesses that included jewelry, dog accessories, smores kits, bird feeders, books and baked goods. They displayed their businesses and had a chance to market and promote their businesses. It was a great success, and we will be holding another one this summer."

Petersen says this is a great idea to add this unique feature to every community when they host their local fairs or summer events.

"This is a great opportunity for your community and the young entrepreneurs. Have your community host a Children’s Business Fair," she explains. "Seek out those youth in your community and see what talent and businesses they have. Then pick a day and host a fair for the whole community to attend and support."

By clicking on the link below you can get involved and get funding to help host a fair in your own community.

Children's Business Fair: The largest entrepreneurship event for kids in North America. (

Fair Details (

"Get local sponsors to contribute as well and have prizes for all the participate. Community Futures Westman will host one in Brandon, and I encourage you to do the same.  Don’t let this opportunity pass your community by, as they say Youth are the Future and let’s give them an opportunity to showcase their businesses," adds Petersen.

"Check out this link and let me know if you have any questions. We are more than happy to share our experience with you and help you host a fair in your community!"

Please listen to more with Wendy Petersen below - and check out the poster for more details.