The Westman Chapter of Big Brothers-Big Sisters is calling out for volunteers to become mentors to kids ages 6-17 years of age.

Big Brothers-Big Sisters is a community-based mentoring program where adults bond with youth during activities and outings that builds relationships for these young people who may not have that kind of mentorship within their family dynamics.

"It's like a mentoring relationship that can help children and youth recognize their own potential.  It raises their self-esteem, improves health and creates a sense of belonging," explains Executive Director Tracy Williams. 

The 'bigs' and the 'little's get together to do one-to-one activities, such as going to a movie, go for ice-cream and a walk, or just hang out.  They meet on the weekends or evenings, whatever best suits each unique match.

Mentorship can look differently depending on the unique needs.  For example, the Big Brothers-Big Sisters program mentors students through the school system or through other recommended agencies.  

"It's one hour per week and the referrals come typically through the schools or another community program," she shares.

"There's also couples-mentorship which I think is pretty cool. If you had a couple that unfortunately couldn't have children, they could sign up for our program and have a 'mentee' who they could hang out with once a week.  I think of retired couples who, maybe their grandchildren live farther away, they could become a mentor as well."

"It's a pretty unique program," adds Williams.

Williams says she is wanting to expand the program into the greater Westman Region through the school system, as well as begin an indigenous circle program in the future.  

Currently, the Westman chapter has six matches: 3 little and big sisters, and 3 little and big brothers.  Through the in-school mentorship program there were close to 22 kids involved within the Brandon schools.   There are 4 mentors currently going through the screening process right now, and seven people have expressed interest but have yet to confirm their participation. 

"But we do have quite a few kids on our wait list so we're really needing to find people to become a mentor," she says. "Our teens in the ages of 13-17, we have seventeen youth on our waiting list.  And our children from 6-12 years of age we have 31 kids on our wait list.  So, we're desperately needing some mentors."

"When our kids come into the program and are on a wait list we provide monthly activities for them," shares Williams. "We do mini-bunch and teams-for-teams, just different programs to keep them engaged until we can find the proper match for them."

Williams says the program enables life-changing relationships that can ignite the power in our young people. "You know, give them that positive relationship that maybe they don't always have. And that's not always the scenario," she adds. "It just helps the young people see their full potential through mentorship."

"It only takes about an hour a week of time, and you can really change the life of a child or a teen for the positive," adds Williams.

All mentors must meet certain requirements and are screened for criminal record checks to ensure that participating kids are safe at all times.

For more information check out their Facebook page HERE and their website HERE

To become a mentor today, contact Tracy Williams through email: or call:  (204) 727-1787