The Alzheimer Society of Manitoba is hosting their annual IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s at Brandon's Riverbank Discovery Centre on June 6 at 5:30 pm.

There will also be participating Walks in Winnipeg (May 25), Steinbach (May 29) and Selkirk (June 13). Manitobans can also join the “Walk Your Way” virtual option to get involved in their own way.

"The money raised during the walk allows the Alzheimer Society to provide families with the programs, resources and information they need to live their best lives possible, including one-to-one counselling, support groups, dementia-friendly programs, education sessions and more," explains Regional Coordinator for the Westman Region, Christine Jefferies.

The IG Wealth Management Walk is the Alzheimer Society's largest annual fundraiser that takes place across Canada in support of people living with dementia, their families, friends and care partners.  This year's goal is $290,000 for Manitoba's Alzheimer's Society.  "By us working together we are hoping to certainly meet that goal or exceed that goal," explains Jefferies.  "That's why we're really looking forward to hosting walks, not only in the Brandon area, but across the province as well."

Brenda Smith is also a Regional Coordinators in the Westman office in Brandon.  Smith says there are a number of ways to participate in the walk.

"You can register online and sign up as an individual, a team member or a team captain," explains Smith. "Another option is to start fundraising. So, people can share their fundraising page and the reasons that they're walking on social media, using the official hashtag, #igwalkforalz.  So, they can reach out to friends, family, neighbors, colleagues to ask for support."

"Another option is they can walk their own way," she adds. "So, they can do their own thing to show support for families living with dementia.  Some ideas are tracking your steps and challenging your friends to match them, and again post the challenge to social media and getting your friends to join you. You might want to host a Bar-B-Que for friends and family and just ask them to donate.  And you can take your furry friends out and have an adventure and fun while you're doing it!"

Smith says statistics show there are nine Manitobans newly diagnosed with dementia every day. 

"So, over 19,600 Manitobans currently live with dementia and by 2050 that number is expected to double to more than 39,100 people," notes Smith. "Sixty-two percent of Manitobans are impacted by dementia because they've had a family member or close friend diagnosed with the disease.  So, we really need people's help to ensure these families receive the support they need in their community."

Christine Jefferies says an important aspect of this campaign is to share the message that Alzheimer's and dementia is a disease, not a natural progression of aging.

Please listen to more with Christine and Brenda below!

Here's how to get involved in the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s:

  1. Register online – sign up as an individual, team member or team captain at
  2. Start fundraising – share your fundraising page and your reasons for walking on social media using the official hashtag #IGWalkForAlz. Reach out to your friends, family, neighbours and colleagues (in-person and online) to ask for support.
  3. Participate in the Brandon Walk on June 6, 2024 – join dedicated people like you, who are committed to helping people living with dementia and care partners.

“So, we just want people to know that they're not alone," says Brenda Smith, "and if they join the walk to make a difference and feel part of something larger."

Visit to learn more about the Walk and to register.