The Rural Municipality of Pipestone is booming with development and the Municipality is fostering future growth by encouraging property development through cash grants and $10 residential property.

With only five of the $10 residential lots remaining in the 24 lot subdivision, the RM Community Development Corporation is encouraging development of a muliti-unit complex within the Rural Municipality of Pipestone.

EDO Tanis Chalmers says over 20 homes have been constructed within the RM using the $10 lot program in the last 5 years which is a significant amount of growth for a rural area. Growth in the petroleum industry has been an influence to this along with the notion that living in a rural area in Manitoba is an excellent lifestyle.

With this growth comes the opportunity for investment of rental properties. Manager of Economic Development Tanis Chalmers stated, "Many single family homes have been constructed but this option is not suited for everyone.

"The Municipal office receives phone calls on a regular basis from individuals, couples and families looking for rental accommodation. There are a limited number of rental properties currently available, not near as many as inquires received" saidChalmers.

The RM'S CDC is working on fostering a multi-unit complex that could be housed on a variety of $10 residential lot properties. "The property is developed, now we just need to source an individual or individuals who would take on the opportunity," said Chalmers. The local CDC has shown interest in facilitating the conception of a multi-unit housing project.