The Killarney Chapter of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank Grow Project is excited to get the seed in the ground.

They've secured 160 acres some 10 miles east of Killarney where they'll be growing a crop of canola to help stop hunger around the world.

Field Manager, Myron Peters, says Dennis and Betty Turner typically rent that parcel of land to the neighboring Hutterite Colony. However, this year all agreed a portion of the half-section should be rented to the local grow project.

The Turners are no stranger to the Canadian Foodgrains Bank.  They participated in a Learning Tour with the CFGB a number of years ago to Ethiopia where they saw firsthand how hunger affects every age in that drought-ridden country.

Betty Turner is also secretary/fundraising chair for the Killarney chapter and does her committee proud by raising funds that exceed all expectations.

To sponsor an acre for $250 / acre contact Betty Turner!

As far as the field goes, Myron Peters says the soil needs to warm up a bit more, but the recent moisture has been wonderful.

When asked how the committee is going to adapt to the rising input costs, Peters says prices do change from year to year.  "But we've been very fortunate in the past that the sponsorships per acre have been able to meet all of our needs. So, hopefully we can get that support again this year even with the rising costs."

If you would like to support this project you're welcome to mail cheques to:  

Killarney Growing Project, Box 1660, Killarney, MB ROK 1GO

It's important to note that the Government of Canada will donate $4 for every $1 donation making the total contribution $5 to the Canadian Foodgrains Bank.

Peters adds that for those who are unfamiliar with the Killarney Grow Project they should reach out and speak to any of the committee members.

Please listen to more with Myron Peters below!