The Mother’s Against Drunk Driving Red Ribbon Campaign continues in Western Manitoba.

Project Red Ribbon is an annual awareness campaign to promote sober driving during the holiday season. It’s the busiest time of year on most social calendars and the risk for impaired driving is high.

MADD Canada’s red ribbon is a symbol of the wearer’s commitment to never drive impaired, and helps keep the sober driving message top of mind for all who see it.

From November 1 to January 3, MADD Canada and the Chapters and Community Leaders across the country will be distributing thousands of red ribbons and red ribbon car decals for Canadians to display on their vehicles, key chains, purses, brief cases and backpacks.

Danielle Lewis heads up the Brandon Chapter of MADD. “It’s hard to say how much difference the campaign is making because of recent changes to impaired driving laws. From what we are told they aren’t really changing and in some areas even increasing unfortunately.”

Red Ribbon pins have been handed out to local law enforcement, EMS, firefighters and many other interested organizations.

“We have Red Ribbon boxes throughout Western Manitoba in communities like Melita, Boissevain, Killarney, Reston, Virden and Brandon. Any money going into those boxes goes directly to our chapter.”

“This year we have a variety of rinks and arenas that have supported us by putting up signs not to drive impaired.”

Danielle Lewis says COVID has hampered regular activities. Right now is a lot of social media work.

“In a typical year we try to be part of parades and hopefully in June of 2022 we can do our run which is our big fund raiser for the year. We do Chuck a Puck, we go into schools and do presentations and we do some mock crashes. They were put on hold because of the pandemic but we hope to get them going this coming year.”