It’s Wednesday, March 17th... St. Patrick’s Day. Are you feeling lucky? The Kidney Foundation of Canada – Manitoba Branch, is hoping you are, and will join them for their first, one-day only 50/50 online cash draw happening TODAY!

It’s called The Lucky Lotto, and if you can’t wait for the details, you can head to the website to get your tickets today and TODAY only. More details on the lotto in a moment, but first Greg Unger from the Kidney Foundation joins us to share a little background on the organization, and the Manitoba branch’s role.



Keep in mind, you’re winning half of that pot which will grow throughout the day, potentially to as much as a quarter of a million dollars! But, you have to get your tickets to have a chance to win..., and again... it’s a one day opportunity to win, and support the Kidney Foundation.

One other important point to note, all the money raised today will stay in Manitoba, and will support programming here. We asked Greg to talk about that, too.



It’s called, and tickets are available today (March 17th, 2021)y until 8:55 p.m., with the pot potentially growing to $250,000! Tickets start at $10 each.

Like Greg said, many Manitobans who have Kidney disease don’t even know it due to symptoms not being present, but when they do learn of their diagnosis, the Kidney Foundation of Canada - Manitoba Branch is there with programming and support.