A couple of stained glass windows at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Boissevain have been repaired.

The larger window facing south onto Mountain Street had been damaged because of aging and weather issues.

David Paskewitz is the Chair of St. Joseph’s Pastoral Council. He says the project cost several thousand dollars but it was worth the expenditure.

“We found our stained glass windows to be deteriorating because there was no protection from the outside and the elements. Between sunshine and other weather they needed upgrading and we just completed that project.”

Prairie Studio Glass out of Winnipeg did the repair work. That included taking the windows out, hauling them back to Winnipeg, doing the repairs and putting them back in place at the church in Boissevain.

“We’re pleased with how they look. Putting the tempered glass on the outside and having the stained glass on the inside it should help us with our buildings heating as well” said Paskewitz.