In late February the province announced it was increasing operating basket funding to municipalities and Boissevain-Morton’s Head of Council appreciates the extra funds.

Municipalities are busy working on their budgets for 2023 and Judy Swanson says her council isn’t sure how the new money will be spent. “I’m really pleased they came through and I’m thankful for AMM and their lobby efforts because we did lobby hard for that increase in funding which we haven’t seen since 2016.”


“In 2022 we got $195,678 and in 2023 we’ll be getting $316,285 so that’s an increase of more than $120,000 which is 62 per cent so it is a substantial increase. Is it enough well it’s never enough and our costs have increased over the years. We struggle to maintain what we have so any increased help is appreciated.”


Boissevain-Morton council is into its budget deliberations and Swanson says the new money is open ended and can be used for anything council wants to spend the money on in 2023.

“We have to maintain what we have as we move forward but having said that anytime you get an extra $120,000 that certainly helps. The budget process takes a while so we hold special meeting to dive into the different areas.”