April is the month people can give to the Boissevain-Morton Donor’s Choice program.

The yellow campaign sheets will be going out in the mail shortly as the campaign is set to start April 1st.

Committee Chairperson Patty Rainnie says things rebounded in 2021 and she hopes there’s a strong response for the 2022 campaign.

“During the first year of the campaign support dropped off and we collected about $54,500 and last year for 2021 it bounced back up to $59,150. We’ve decided as a volunteer group we will continue to do things this way as it’s working reasonably well. We’ll stick with the mail and drop off at the municipal office.”

A total of 25 groups make up the recipient list that donors can give money to through donor’s choice.

“Things need to be mailed in or dropped off at the town office by April 30th. However, post dated cheques are allowed. The last deposit will be made September 30th and we disperse the funds in October.”

Boissevain-Morton Donor’s Choice like many other groups is always looking for volunteers.

“We have two new members on our committee Donna Jean Lamb and Deb Merritt and we maybe looking for more in the future so if anyone is interested please let us know.”