The Canadian International Grains Institute is located in downtown Winnipeg.



The provincial government must take measures to keep the Canadian International Grains Institute in Winnipeg, says the agriculture critic for the Progressive Conservatives.

The City of Saskatoon has invited CIGI to relocate to Saskatoon.

"They've made a rather attractive offer to CIGI to move to Saskatoon. That would be a tremendous blow to the grain industry here in Manitoba," says Blaine Pedersen. "We're looking for the province to step up to the plate here and at least express some concern about CIGI, because to date we have heard absolutely nothing from them."

CIGI's role is to educate international customers on how to use Canadian field crops, and to research new ways of utilizing those crops. Hundreds of international buyers come to Winnipeg each year to take part in CIGI's education programs.

"We would like to see a commitment that CIGI stay here, and that's not necessarily a financial commitment," says Pedersen, noting it will soon be funded by a producer check-off. "But the province needs to recognize the importance of CIGI here."

Pedersen says the loss of CIGI would have a negative impact on the potential development of a "grain industry centre of excellence" in Winnipeg, as well as on the CentrePort initiative.

~ Thursday, March 1, 2012 ~