It's time for another Made in Manitoba, and this weekend we're taking a slightly different angle by featuring the concert series Home Routes/Chemin Chez Nous. The Winnipeg based non-profit was started in 2007 by the founders of the Winnipeg Folk Festival and the West End Cultural Centre, Mitch Podolak and Ava Kobrinsky, alongside, Tim Osmond.

Home Routes was created to champion artists and volunteer concert hosts in communities nationwide, with those hosts literally having the performers in their homes and backyards. Since 2007, Home Routes has helped organize more than 10,000 shows, in over 1500 locations, and its currently looking for Southern Manitoba concert hosts for the 2024-25 season beginning later this year.

Leonard Podolak, is the Co-Executive Director of Home Routes, and the son of founders Mitch and Ava. He's our guest tonight, and will tell us about the uniqueness of the Home Routes concert series, what hosting a concert looks like and how it has helped raise the profile of an entire generation of musical artists.

Along the way, we'll be featuring music from performers from last season's Home Routes stops in Manitoba, including Andrina Turenne, Old Man Luedecke , Jack Garton and Naomi Shore

Have a listen to this weekend's Made in Manitoba, below.