For the hockey player in your family, sometimes there isn't an off season, especially if they have a passion for the sport like many players do.

If your hockey playing daughter or son is looking to improve their skills this summer, GT Performance Hockey is the hockey camp to register them for.

Owned by Gerald Tetrault, GT Performance Hockey has been operating camps in the St. Malo and Morris area for five years, and this weekend during its open house will be unveiling a first for Manitoba... a large scale synthetic hockey ice sheet.

More on that in moment, but first some background on who Gerald is and how he started G-T Performance Hockey....

Morning Show Co-Host Chris Sumner and Gerald also spoke about what a synthetic hockey rink is, and the benefits it offers to hockey players wanting to improve their skills.

GT Performance Hockey is unveiling Manitoba's first fully synthetic hockey ice sheet this weekend during its open house Saturday and Sunday at St. Malo Arena. It's a come and go event from 2pm to 5pm each day, and will feature skills demos by past GT Performance Hockey graduates, and the opportunity to skate on the synthetic ice, just be sure to bring your skates, helmet and gloves.

As for those hockey camps Chris and Gerald were talking about, there are still some spaces left for the hockey players in your family. Camps and clinics for all skill levels and ages are happening this summer, and to find out more go to GT Performance Hockey's website.

Owner and Instructor Gerald Tetrault; Instructor Derrick Collette; Instructor Alex Tetrault posing with GT Performance Hockey's new 3D goaltender