For decades Grant Moffatt was the driving force behind the Southwest Cougars hockey team in Souris and work is underway to solidify his legacy with the team.

Moffatt passed away in August of 2020.

Since then a group was established to fund raise as members work to set up scholarships for players that go through the Cougar program.

Ken Pringle of Boissevain had two sons play with the Southwest Cougars and knows first hand how much Grant Moffatt meant to the team and the players.

“We wanted to create a legacy for Grant because of all the work he did for the players over the years. We realized there has been over 600 players go through the program and Grant has had direct involvement with more than 400 of them. Covid has made fund raising a challenge but we hope to help players looking to further their education.”

Saturday, December 18 Southwest will host Brandon in Souris and the game, which starts at 7:30, will include a ceremony before they drop the puck, a hot stove session and silent auction.

“A lot of people have put time in to make the program the success it is but no question Grant Moffatt was the back bone to that success.”

“We hope to reach out to all Cougars by using things like a golf tournament planned for this summer in June and build a fund of around $50,000. We want to make sure Grant isn’t forgotten. I had two kids go through the program which wasn’t just about making good hockey players but also good citizens.”

The committee is thinking about offering two scholarships with one for a graduating player and one for a player who moves onto junior hockey.

“We are just getting started with fund raising and finally are in a position to accept funds and raise money for the memorial fund” said Ken Pringle.