The Boissevain-Morton New Facility committee held a community meeting last night and about 25 people attended.

The meeting was aimed at letting people know about the community survey.



Committee member Cory Billaney said 350 people filled out a survey. Most indicated they wanted things like a new rink, a hall and a walking track.

He says some were concerned about the possible cost of a new complex.




Wayne Pringle attended last night's meeting. He played in the first hockey game in the existing arena back in the early 1960's. He says it's time for a new facility.


People participated in round table sessions. Those finding will be discussed by the committee later this month.


The survey  asked people if they wanted a new mutli- purpose facility and what they'd like to see in the complex. 66 percent fo the respondents said children's hockey was a top priority for a new complex, that was followed by public skating 63 percent and adult hockey 59 percent. Some other items listed were a fitness center, socials, walking track, indoor swimming and curling.