The Turtle Mountain Tourism Summit is this week and registration is still open! 

International Peace Garden CEO, Tim Chapman, says they're excited to be hosting the event now for the second year.  "We hope it will be a longstanding summit that really brings our area together."  

"We really encouraged all the attendees to bring their material, their brochures and banners and we'll set up the lobby of the Conservatory with all that information," explains Chapman, "so that whether you're coming from an attraction or from a municipality on either side of the border you get a much fuller sense of everything that can be promoted collectively as communities and attractions within the Turtle Mountain region."

Please listen to more with Tim Chapman below on the upcoming Turtle Mountain Tourism Summit!

This year's summit will be held in the Conservatory using the lobby space, the board room and the cafe for breakout sessions.

The cost is $10 per person (and it includes lunch) or if a community or business would like to have a table set up promoting their locale/organization, the cost is $25 per table and includes 2 registrants for the Summit (and it includes lunch).

In addition, there will be a door prize for a $1,000 credit from Travel MB and a $1,000 credit from Tourism ND to promote your community/business on both sides of the border!  When you arrive to the Summit, be sure to enter.  They will be drawing the prize just before the end of day!!

This year's keynote speaker is Lorri Mattewson, owner and founder of Matthewson and Co., will tell us “10 Ways Economic Development is Different in a Small Town”.  She will speak about the challenges small towns face and ways in which local staff and volunteers can get their messages across.

Final two breakout sessions include Kim Schmidt, Communications Manager with the North Dakota Department of Commerce, to lead a session on "The Power of Storytelling: Building Lasting Connections with your Audience". Join Kim as she provides you with practical tips for transforming your destination and agency information into engaging stories.  

Tricia Miller, Digital Systems Manager with the North Dakota Department of Commerce, will lead in the session “Establishing Partnerships and Marketing your Destination”.  She will discuss how partnering with North Dakota Tourism through its website, partner portal, various advertising methods and more can have a positive impact on your organization.

Visit their website HERE!

To register for the Summit, please click the corresponding link below:

                US Registrants:   

            CDN Registrants:


Lunch will be provided by Country Catering out of Rolette, ND.

Additional information, including session topics and speakers, can be found at 

Please note that information will be added to the website as it is finalized, so do check back often!