The RM of Sifton and the Oak Lake and Area Garden Club is seeing all the hard work their residents are putting into their yards and flower beds and have decided to host their first annual Garden Contest!

"I actually had somebody come to me with the idea," shares Rachelle Stannage, Economic Development Officer for the RM of Sifton.  "He knew that there were a lot of people in our community that put a lot of work and effort into their gardens and flower beds and so we wanted to do something that would help promote that for them and show off our community at the same time."

All entries must include the color red in their landscaping plan and would ideally include special features like statues and ponds or fountains. "And then we were really pushing for flower beds or gardens that will help our pollinators like bees and other insects. They'll get extra points for that as well."

You can enter your own yard or nominate someone else who lives in Oak Lake.  

Nominations must be entered by July 6th, and the winner will be announced July 13th.  All photo entries will be displayed at the Oak Lake Agricultural Fair.