Sunrise Credit Union held their 12th annual Manitoba Photo Contest this spring, inviting photos from across the province to be awarded as one of the winning 13 pictures to be used in their 2025 calendar.

Approximately 433 photos were entered through March-April to which a panel of Sunrise CU staff selected their favorite top 30.  A week-long online voting process with these final 30 entries solidified the top 13 winners.

Arborg resident, Corinne Einarsson's photo of the Riverton Train Station garnered the majority vote, claiming the Grand Prize of a $500 One-Year Term Deposit from Sunrise Credit Union.  As well, each of the 13 finalists will receive a canvas print of the winning photograph and will be featured in the 2025 Sunrise Credit Union calendar.  As well, they have appeared on Sunrise Credit Union's branch TVs and social media channels.

Now, more about the winning photo, 'The Old Train Station':

Corinne Einarsson was exploring the town of Riverton in mid-July, with her camera in hand, and pulled up to the old train station as the rain clouds were rolling in. “It just looked so picture perfect – I had to stop. I’m glad I did it,” said Einarsson. Being crowned the winner of the 2024 edition of the Our Manitoba Photo Contest is a dream come true says Einarsson, “It’s an incredible feeling my photo resonated with the judges and audience. I am so grateful and humbled by this recognition. It means the world to me. I’m ecstatic and proud. Love you all.”

Einarsson says she's proud to have captured the spirit of Manitoba, a province that honours the past, present and future in her winning photo. She says photography is an outlet for her to preserve memories and tell stories. “When I am out and about, I love to capture the beauty around the Interlake area of the old and new. I usually never leave home without my camera."

"Corinne's photo is absolutely beautiful," shares Sunrise Marketing Manager, Heather Merckx. "I think it really speaks to our Manitoba Heritage with the old railway station."

Merckx encourages everyone to take lots of pictures and submit their favorites in next year's contest.  "You can submit up to three photos in all, and in every season.  The contest starts at the end of March and goes into April.  And even if it's a photo you've taken years ago," she adds. "It doesn't have to be a current photo, just any photo that resonates with Manitoba.  And if you have pictures of your children or grandchildren playing outside, we love seeing that human connection as well, not just the scenery. So, please send in all sorts of ideas and photos!"

All photos must be taken within Manitoba, and in a landscape format (not portrait) so as to suit the calendar format. As well, the picture must be a high-quality photo for printing purposes. 

And, all Manitoban's are invited to participate, not just Sunrise Credit Union customers and clients.

"We reach out to all of Manitoba for this contest, not necessarily just our members," explains Marketing Manager, Heather Merckx. "We keep it open to anybody that would like to enter any of their beautiful photos they have that speak to Manitoba and our culture."

Corinne Einarsson was revealed as the Grand Prize winner of the 2024 Sunrise Credit Union Photo Contest on Sunday May 12, which coincided with Manitoba Day for her photo, 'The Old Train Station'.

Please visit the OURMANITOBA.ORG for the Sunrise Credit Union winning photos HERE!