Recent rain in some areas of Manitoba causing another delay in the harvest.

This week's crop report shows 37 per cent of the provincial crop is now in.

The winter cereal harvest is now complete with winter wheat yields averaging 60 bushels an acre, while fall rye averaged 70 bushels an acre.

Dennis Lange is the Provincial Pulse Specialist and puts together the weekly crop report.

He says harvest is most advanced in the Central region of the province where a 100 percent of the field peas and  95 per cent of the spring wheat, barley, and oats crops are now in the bin.
Spring wheat yields range from 35 to 65 bu/acre, with highs up to 80 bu/ac, Oat yields range from 80 to 130 bu/ac with the drier areas coming in as low as 60.

The canola harvest has started with 14 per cent of the provincial crop now in, harvest is most advanced in the central region where 30 per cent of the canola is done.

Soybean fields are mostly in the R7 to R8 growth stages with harvest beginning on some of the early maturing fields in the Central region.

More information on the weekly crop report can be found here.