Progressive Conservative leader Hugh Mcfadyen has raised concerns the Manitoba government may be considering vote tax funding. Current legislation introduced by the NDP two years ago gives political parties a grant of $1.25 for every vote that the party receives. Neither the Conservatives or the NDP have claimed the grant. However, under questioning in the legislature this week, Mcfadyen says Premier Greg Selinger was non-commital when asked if he would repeal the law.


Mcfadyen says it leaves open the possibility that the Manitoba NDP will claim a taxpayer subsidy after refusing it for the past two years.

Meanwhile, political attack ads have begun in Manitoba despite the fact that the next provincial election is still 10 months away. The ruling New Democrats have launched an advertising campaign aimed squarely at the Tory leader. Mcfadyen says he's not fazed by it.



McFadyen says his party will put out its own ad campaign, but vows to avoid the personal attack strategy used by the NDP.

In other news, this week marked the elimination of the small business tax rate in Manitoba. The rate officially hit zero on December 1st.
Mcfadyen says the Conservative party started that process in 1999 and he's glad the NDP was able to finish it.



Manitoba became the first province in Canada to eliminate the small business tax.