He is a grandfather in his 50's who is about to embark on a 6000 km cross Canada cycling trip, and intends to do it in 13 days. Ultramarathon cyclist Arvid Loewen will begin his trek on July 1st at Vancouver City Hall. Arvid has been combining his love of cycling with a commitment to making a difference for needy children in Kenya, for a number of years, dating back to a Vancouver to Winnipeg trip a number of years ago. Arvid will be leaving for Vancouver shortly, but joined us this week, to assure us that people are no longer asking "why" when it comes to his lengthy, intense adventures



Arvid, we wish you success and the wind at your back.  We will be following the progress of Arvid Loewen, on the radio, or you can also follow on line, a www.grandpacan.com