The Canadian Wheat Board says there are flaws in a report by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business. CFIB has published the results of a member survey on CWB customer service.

CWB spokesperson John Lyons says the report does not reflect the views of all prairie farmers. "We do know that less than 4 percent of permit book holders would be CFIB members," he says. "So the poll isn't about the views of all farmers but its about the views of CFIB members."

When asked how CWB service had changed in the last five years, CFIB reported that 45 percent of respondents said serviced had worsened or that there was no change. "Those two things aren't really the same thing at all," says Lyons. "On the other hand, you could put together 'improved' with 'no change'and you wind up with a very different picture. If you combine 'improved' and 'no change', the CFIB would have had to say 63 percent of respondents said there was no change or that service improved."

Lyons admits, as with any business or organization, improvements can always be made to customer service and programming.

~ Thursday, November 4, 2010 ~