'Tis the season for lemonade stands and this summer the Cancer Care Manitoba Foundation is once again calling out to Manitobans to participate in this sweet and sometimes sour summer fundraiser!

"Lemonade Stands for Hope is exactly what we're hoping people will do this summer and take a stand against cancer by hosting a lemonade stand," shares Manager of Community Events and Development, Sherelle Kwan, "because we truly believe that it does create hope and brings people together.  We know cancer touches too many of us, young and old and we found that when people come together it can be inspiring and it truly can be hopeful.  and that's what we hope to see with these lemonade stands all across Manitoba."

Last year 260 lemonade stands popped up across the province, raising $130,000 for the Foundation.  The goal this year is to reach 300 stands and surpass that $130,000.

Kwan says all money raised throughout the province through Lemonade Stands for Hope stays within the province.

"All funds raised will go to support Cancer Care Manitoba and the people we know and love who have unfortunately maybe been touched by cancer," she explains. "And its going to do things like support patients-family services. It's going to go towards research and clinical trials. We're trying to find new discoveries and make sure that more people have more tomorrow's together."

"We were thrilled with how many Manitobans joined in this campaign last summer," says Kwan. "It was amazing to hear the stories behind the stands, particularly how many kids wanted to host stands for loved ones and friends.  We are hoping to see the same wave of lemonade stands across the province once again."

Kwan getting started to open up your own lemonade stand is as simple as registering online and picking up your kit at their Foundation office in Winnipeg - OR they will send it out to you outside of the Winnipeg perimeter - at no cost!  This whole initiative is free.

Getting started is easy!

  1. Register your stand online at LemonadeForHope.ca
  2. Pick up your free starter kit from the Foundation at 825 Sherbrook Street
    (Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.)
  3. Host your Lemonade Stand for Hope anytime over the weekend of July 19-21, or anytime this summer.

Your Lemonade Stand for Hope starter kit includes:

  - Lemonade crystals
  - Lemonade stand signage
  - Fundraising tips and tools
  - A personal webpage to collect donations online
...and more!

Lemonade Stand Starter Kits will be available to pick up beginning May 21 at 825 Sherbrook St. in Winnipeg from 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday

Host your Lemonade Stand for Hope anytime over the weekend of July 19-21!

HOWEVER, If those dates don't work - no problem! You can still register and host your stand anytime, anywhere this summer!

Please listen to more with Sherelle Kwan below as she share more on Lemonade Stands for Hope!