RCMP across Manitoba are cracking down on rolling stops. Constable Miles Hiebert tells us there were 16 fatal collisions at intersections in the province last year and almost all of them happened at controlled intersections. He notes speed, distractions and driver inattention are proven to be major factors in such collisions. Constable Hiebert has been to incidents where drivers have been through an intersection so many times they quit paying attention, rolled through the stop sign, and end up colliding with another car.

He reminds it is the law to stop at stop signs. Furthermore, he says it only takes a moment to stop, something that can save a life, so why not do it.

At uncontrolled intersections, Constable Hiebert urges us to slow down and look both ways and to yield to vehicles on the right.

The fine for failing to stop at a stop sign or red light is $200.