Welcome back to Made in Manitoba, our weekly spotlight on those making music here in our province. This weekend we're joined, once again, by Matt Epp. The singer-songwriter just released a new album "Rolling Wave", his 13th studio over the course of his career.

Matt tells us this album is a pivot point for him musically and personally, transitioning from the more melancholy and heavier material of his previous efforts to a sound that's lighter. Now that change didn't' come without tremendous challenge and loss beforehand, and it's out of those experiences "Rolling Wave" came as Matt continued his nomadic life travelling and living in many different places.

It's Matt Epp on Made in Manitoba, and our conversation with him, and his music from "Rolling Wave", is below.

P.S. the official album launch party will be happening June 1st in Winnipeg, during Matt's only Manitoba stop on his Spring and Summer tour. You can get more details, here.